Breastfeeding during Summer Break: Tips for School-Aged Kids at Home and Travel

Summer has arrived, bringing the heat and the excitement of having school-aged kids at home or planning exciting travel adventures. As a breastfeeding parent, you may be wondering how to navigate this sunny season with confidence. Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with expert tips and ingenious hacks to help you make the most of summer while breastfeeding.

Nurturing Your Milk Supply in the Summer Heat:

  1. Stay Hydrated and Nourished:

    It's essential to stay hydrated during the summer. Drink plenty of water to quench your thirst and support milk production. Remember to eat nutritious meals to maintain your energy levels.

  2. Have a Car Emergency Kit:

    Keep a hand pump in your car as a backup plan. It can come in handy when you find yourself away from home and need to express milk.

  3. Mind the Storage Guidelines:

    Familiarize yourself with proper storage temperatures and durations to ensure the quality and safety of your expressed milk. Follow the recommended guidelines for storing breast milk in different environments. Be mindful that in the summer heat temperatures can get extremely hot. This may affect milk storage times due to high temperatures.

  4. Beat the Heat with a Cooler:

    When traveling, bring a reliable cooler and cooling packs to keep your milk fresh and safe. This way, you can enjoy your outings without worrying about the temperature impacting your expressed milk.

  5. Plan Around Feedings:

    Whenever possible, plan your outings around your baby's feeding schedule. Finding a rhythm that works for you and your little one will help you have stress-free and enjoyable outings.

  6. Boost Your Confidence:

    Practice breastfeeding in the comfort of your home to increase your comfort level when nursing in public. Embrace the beauty of nourishing your little one wherever you go and feel confident in your ability to create a nurturing space for them. Laws around breastfeeding in public vary by country and state, but in many places, it is protected and recognized as a mother's right to breastfeed her baby wherever she is allowed to be. Familiarize yourself with the laws in your state to feel empowered and confident in exercising your right to feed your baby as needed.

Breastfeeding Tips for Summer Break with School-Aged

Children at Home:

  1. Set Expectations:

    Communicate with your older children about baby's feeding time.

    Establish some ground rules, such as using quiet voices, avoiding rough play near the nursing area, and having a designated feeding space.

  2. Create a Busy Basket:

    Set up a basket of activities for your older kids near your nursing area.

    Include quiet toys, snacks, board games, coloring books, audiobooks with headphones, and books. You can also assign them small tasks like filling your water cup or fetching snacks, diapers, or baby clothes.

This summer, embrace the joy, connection, and adventure with your little ones while confidently continuing your breastfeeding journey. Set expectations, create a busy basket, and involve your older children in the process. Stay hydrated, be prepared with a car emergency kit, and follow storage guidelines for maintaining the quality of your expressed milk. With these expert tips and hacks, you can navigate the summer months with ease and enjoy the beautiful moments of breastfeeding during this sunny season.


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